BlackFlag News :
the Reference Editions

BlackFlag New Reference EditionInfo

The creators of this masterwork, which moved online in April 2002, have described it as a monumental contemporary novel with a cast of thousands, most of whom would rather not be mentioned. Others see it as an historical work, which will prove of immense value to scholars in the 2nd half of the 21st Century when they try to find out what life was really like when the Third Millennium was still brand new.
   An anarchists' licence allows the focus of the work to shift according to the personal prejudices of whoever's contributing to it but BlackFlag News has remained remarkably true to the original 2002 format. The most radical shifts have been a change of masthead in February 2005 and shifts back and forward between serif and sans-serif body fonts according to whichever style package was currently in favour.
   It is the ambition of the authors to entertain their audience while sneaking information in around the edges. Not everything which appears in the magazine cum novel is to be taken seriously, however. Most of it is based on contemporary facts, if perverse interpretations of them, but flights of fancy do sometimes find their way into BlackFlag News. The authors issue a general challenge to their readers to spot the dodgy items!

 BFN DOWNLOAD 01   April 2002 – November 2002 £2.50

Created for Romiley Anarchists' League by workers in revolt against oppression.
Sole © RAL, 2007.