Artwork for Tales of Wonder #3 (Summer 1938) cover by W.J. Roberts interior artwork by H.E. Turner
1. "The World's Eighth Wonder" by Eric Frank Russell, 2./3. "The Horror in the Telescope" by Edmond Hamilton and 4. "The Puff-Ball Menace" by John Beynon |
 |  | 5./6. "The Giant Bacillus" by H.O. Dickinson |
Artwork for Tales of Wonder #4 (Autumn 1938) cover by W.J. Roberts interior artwork by H.E. Turner

Artwork for Tales of Wonder #5 (Winter 1938) cover by W.J. Roberts interior artwork by H.E. Turner
1./2. "The Planet of Youth" by Stanton A. Coblenz, 3. "Universe of Babel" by John Edwards and 4. "The Space Beings" by Edmond Hamilton |
    1. "The Chemical Brain" by Francis Flagg, 2. "The Time Drug" by Charles F. Hall, 3. "When The Earth Tilted" by J. M. Walsh and 4. The Ego of the Ant by Alfred Gordon Bennett
 | Artwork for Tales of Wonder #7 (Summer 1939) cover by Nick, interior artwork by H.E. Turner |
Across the Abyss by Geo. C. Wallis |  |
1.-3. "The Venus Adventure" by John Beynon, 4. "The Big Cloud" by Coutes Brisbane |
    1./2. "City of Machines" by Frank Edward Arnold, 3. "The Yeast Men" by David H. Keller, 4. "Creature of Eternity" by Maurice G. Hugi
Artwork for Tales of Wonder #8 (Autumn 1939) cover by Nick, interior artwork by H.E. Turner
    1./2. "The Comet Doom" by Edmond Hamilton, 3. "After A Million Year" by J.M. Walsh, 4. "The Metal Man" by Jack Williamson
"Life on Mars" by Professor A.M. Low |
 "World of Horror" by Clark Ashton Smith |
1. "The Island In The Air" by D.J. Foster, 2. "The Crystal Menace" by Geo. C. Wallis 3./4. "The Man Who Stopped The Dust" by John Russell Fearn
Artwork for Tales of Wonder #9 (Winter 1939) cover by Caney interior artwork by H.E. Turner
1.-3. "The Red Dust" by Murray Leinster, 4. "The Planet Wrecker" by Coutts Brisbane |
, 5. "The Invisible City" by Clark Ashton Smith, 6., 7. "The Insect Threat" by Alfred Gordon Bennett, 8. "Men Without Shadows" by Stanton A. Coblenz
Artwork for Tales of Wonder #11 (Summer 1940)
 Tales of Wonder No. 11, Summer 1940, front cover by Harry Turner
   1./2. "Invisible Monster" by John Beynon (Harris) and 3. "The Man Who Saw the Future" by Edmond Hamilton |
    1. "Experiment in Genius" by William F. Temple, 2. "Master of the Asteroid" by Clark Ashton Smith and 3./4. "The Synthetic Entity" by S. P. Meek
Artwork for Tales of Wonder #12 (Autumn 1940) cover by W.J. Roberts interior artwork by H.E. Turner
1. "Conquest of Space" competition, 2.-4. "Tyrant of the Red World" by Richard Tooker |
1. "Machine-Man of Ardathia" by Francis Flagg, 2. "The Radio-Telescope" by Stanton A. Coblenz, 3. "I, Spy!" by Eric Frank Russell |