The Adventure of the Dying Detective
by Philip H. Turner
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category : CRIME & THRILLERS

The Adventure of the Dying Detective by Philip H. TurnerPeople doing a difficult job that involves a large element of personal initiative, low cunning and self-discipline generally have to bend the rules to achieve a level of success that they find reasonable and personally acceptable. When such people are in the habit of keeping the details of their work confidential until it reaches a conclusion, one way or the other, it is often different for a senior to assess their progress objectively or accurately.
   Is there method in the apparent madness? Or has the poor sod slipped over the edge from mild eccentricity to a form of almost socially acceptable, semi-lunacy, which puts him in touch with reality most of the time? And if the poor sod in question is a policeman, what and when should his senior officers do something about his condition?
   Zdenek Frolik, Czech-born but 100% English bred, was in no position to judge his own behaviour. As a detective inspector, Frolik was used to people lying to him and bending the truth; criminals, their advocates and his senior officers alike. And it was only natural that he should develop what he believed to be an entirely pragmatic attitude to life as he encountered it.
   Beset by enemies without, Frolik had no reason to suspect that he was being influenced by an enemy within, a slow, invisible conspiracy against him by his own body. And with so many people out to ‘get' him, one more made little difference...

Unabridged edition, 372 pages, 5" x 7.6" (127 x 193 mm),
Hardback, mock-leather binding, published by Farrago & Farrago, 1998

Written in 1989 and 1998; time setting: contemporary with writing; place setting: somewhere in England; 132,500 words

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