Back to Front PageDavid Cameron is up against it. He doesn't want to but he has to pretend that he's going to hold a referendum on EU membership after renegotiating our terms & conditions. These are the things which he claims should be achieveable.

Dave the Leader's Magnificent Seven:

  1. New rules to prevent "vast migrations" across Europe when new countries join the club.

  2. A tightening of immigration rules to prevent migrants from heading to Britain as benefit tourists rather than workers.

  3. New rules to let groups of nations within the European club combine to block unwanted European legislation.

  4. New rules to free businesses from red tape and excessive interference by nit-picking Eurocrats in Brussels, and to give businesses access to new markets via "turbocharged" free-trade deals with America and Asia.

  5. Freedom for British courts and the police from unnecessary interference by the out-of-touch zombies at the European Court of Human Rights.

  6. A flow of power away from Brussels to member nations rather than further empire building by Eurocraps.

  7. Abolition of the notion of "ever closer union" of the EU member states in order to inflate the egos of figurehead presidents and ambassadors.

Lets all keep a close watch to see if ANY of
the above looks like happening before 2017

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