At last the above has arrived ! Well, well ! Only a few months ago I ne'er realised that I was destined to edit a fan-sheet. Truth to tell, I was losing interest in stf at that time. But Doug Webster, ably assisted by Mike Rosenblum, successfully dragged me back into fandom and so enthusiastic was I on my return to the fold that I rashly declared my intention of adding to the FIDO mailing. So Doug and Mike ought, methinx, to share with me all the bouquets (if any !) and the razzberries - not that I wish to avoid all responsibility for my creation !
As nearly all the companion sheets deal with fan news and discussions, I thot mebbe the weary reader would welcome summat requiring less mental strain to appreciate, accordingly, the contents of my sheet will consist of cartoons, occasional 'straight' drawings, illustrated verses and odd odes, with mebbe a short editorial splurge.
Of course, if you have other ideas on the subject (as you probably have !), let me hear 'em and I'll see what can be done. Anyway, send along your criticisms - if you think the mag is okay and shows promise, I'll carry on with it as long as I can; if you think it stinx to high heaven - well, that's just too bad and I guess I'll have to pack in and hope that my calling-up papers arrive soon ! But assuming you're in favour of Zenith continuing, I must ask for your assistance |
I kno my comrade editors are making the same request, but just ignore them; support Zenith the unique and novacious publication !
After all, even supposing I had the necessary spare time, I doubt whether I'd have the inspiration to turn out two or three pages of drawings each month. So I want drawings from you fanartists, verses from you fanpoets and suggestions (lots of 'em) from you mere fans ! C'mon gang - cooperate ! Follow the good example of JMR who so kindly mimeos and distributes this mag; of contributor Art Williams, and of Osmond Robb and JFBurke who made many helpful suggestions. Incidentally, the cover of the current FIDO was inspired by the latter - take a bow, Johnny ! Now let's be hearing from you fans - please. And thanx a lot in advance. Thassall for now.