Farrago & Farrago, the ULTIMATE publishing experience
Harry Turner memorial
The Great Deville memorial
Marion Turner memorial
Robert Eadie, R.S.W.

Farrago Books
  the ULTIMATE publishing experience

BlackFlag News

BlackFlag News
All the news whether
you want it or not!


  for all the political garbage

The Blair Legacy
  a tribute to a Great Brit

In association with Farrago & Farrago — Total package design for novels and short story collections; Editorial services; Type-setting; Proof edition production, Single edition publishing

Website hosting & maintenance; Website design & content creation

Book jacket design; Single & series graphics; Web page components,
Photographic editing & retouching; Image creation

Technical document abstracting, including patent applications,
Technical writing; Research; Consultant to PulseTech

Site created by HTSP Web Division, Romiley, G.B. ©MM23