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Harry Turner  – Episodes of Personal History

H.E.T. : Family Pictures : Ancestors
H.E.T. : Pictures through the Ages (++2011/04/25)
Editor of "The Astronaut"
Official Letterheads (++2021/06/05)
Early Works (++ 2012/06/18)
Post-war Drawings (+ 2010/10/10)
Paintings Volume 1 (++ 2010/08/13)
Paintings Volume 2 (++ 2010/01/12)
Paintings: The Garden Collection (++2010/04/04)
Small Artworks (++ 2013/06/26)
Work Exhibited (++2020/01/20)
Greetings & KIT Cards (++2012/04/07)
Art Explanations #1 My friends all laugh (++ 2011/02/28)
Art Explanations #2 It grabs me... (++ 2011/02/28)
Art Explanations #3 I am alone in the studio (++ 2011/02/28)
Art Prices [1993] (2011/10/01)
Malevich Romanov Mystery (2011/03/14)
Malevich aeroplane Mystery (++ 2013/06/23)
Painting As Art (++2012/03/28)
Thoughts on Filling Space (2012/10/30)

As complete a catalogue as possible of Harry Turner's paintings & larger drawings & designs
Part One (++2021/05/27)          | Part Two (++ 2017/02/02) |
Part Three (++ 2017/02/02)      | Et Cetera (++2011/07/19) |

Harry Turner with some of his paintings

Skel & Eton, willing helpers! (2012/04/07)
Computer Art from 1996 (2012/10/23)
Visual tributes to H.T.'s art (2024/05/12)

Visual India

Sketching In India #1 (++ 09/Aug/09)
Sketching In India #2 (++2010/06/25)

Photographs from India #1 (++ 2013/08/28)
Photographs from India #2 (++ 2013/08/22)
Photographs from India #3 (++2013/08/29)
Photographs from India #4 (++2013/08/28)
Photographs from India #5 (++2013/08/29)

Early Memories
0. The Beginnings . . . (2012/10/23)
1. One of our Streets is Missing (28/Nov/09)
2. A Sunny Day in Brunswick Street (18/Aug/09)
3. 1929 – The Year of the Keybangers (18/Aug/09)
4. School in the Sky (18/Aug/09)
5. Peaceful Summertime (18/Aug/09)
6. Bonny Night (18/Aug/09)
7a. Matriculation, 1936 (2010/06/25)
7. Employment, the Beginnings... (++2010/06/25)
7b. Herbert Birley Prize 1937 (++ 2011/03/24)
8. When I was 17 . . . ( 2010/02/01)
8a. Things To Come scenario (2012/04/17)

1. Coping with the Problem & the Cure (31/Oct/09)
2. The Problems (11/Oct/09)
3. The First Operation (18/Oct/09)
4. First Progress Reports (18/Oct/09)
5. The Other Eye (17/Oct/09)
6. Afterwards (++2012/03/28)

Lost Opportunities
From This Window . . . (++2012/03/03)

RAF Service (see also Footnotes)
Hitching (December 1942) (2011/06/07)
One way out... (1943) (2011/08/14)
Melville (January 1945) (+ 25/Aug/09)

Melville Explained (December 1993) (2010/12/30)
More Memories (++ 2013/02/15)
Illustrated Radar Mech (2011/05/10)

To & From India
1. No Pleasure Cruise
2. Bombay Blues
3. Bangalore: first impressions

4. Interlude: Bangalore Military Hospital
5. "Snooty Ooty" (++26/Sep/09)
6. Purandhar Fort (++27/Sep/09)
7a. Mahableshwar Days
7b. The Great Revolt (++ 2013/06/26)
8. Pokhari Ghat Pastorale
9. Night Thoughts from Pokhari Ghat
10. Farewell Pokhari
11. Just one of those days... (++2010/04/05)
   Progress Report (December 1993) (2010/12/30)
   Echoes of India ( 2013/03/28)

Romiley Jazz Archive (++ 2010/02/20)
Six Variations on a Monkish Theme (++ 08/Sep/09)
I Remember Joe (29/Jul/09)
Out of the Past MSG remembered (++ 2010/10/02)

Jazz Recordings: Numerical Listing (2010/05/01)
Jazz Notes (2011/02/02)
All The Big Names (2012/10/27)

Call This Progress? (1993) (2010/12/30)
Customer Relations (2010/09/14)
Dinosaure: Build or Buy? (1993) (2011/10/01)
I am an Elderly Person (1991) (11/Oct/09)
Extra-Musical Memories #1 (16/Aug/09)
From letters to Steve Sneyd (1992) (2011/05/15)
Gradualism (1996) (2010/05/22)
The Grand Anchor Darts Tournament (2011/03/04)
The Great Lottery Win (2012/09/26)
Heroes (16/Aug/09)
It's An Upgrade? (2004) (2010/10/09)
The Last Eclipse (1999) (++2012/05/10)
Jottings: extracts from letters (++ 2016/05/04)
Manchester Modified (1993) (2011/10/01)
Manchester Reblitzed (1996/97) (++2013/02/09)
Mathematics & the Imagination (2011/03/22)
My Favourite Poem (2010/02/20)
Never the Old Soldier (1999) (2010/05/22)

The Other War (1994) (2011/07/11)
The Railway Crisis on 21/08/1975 (02/Aug/09)
(To & from) Redfern's of Hyde (2003) (++ 2011/03/28)
The Romiley Blitz? (2011/08/15)
Romiley Music Group Review (2010/05/23)
A Sceptical Pedant (1999/2000) (2012/08/21)
SFA Ramblings #1 (1996) (12/Jul/09)
Telephone Banking & Exercise (2012/03/27)
Theodore Major Remembered (2013/02/15)
Thoughts from 1992 (2011/05/15)
To Manchester (1999) (++2012/08/21)
TV Blues (& Greens!) (1996) (2011/03/06)
TV Wrestling (1999) (++2012/08/21)
Typography for Computers (1998) (2013/02/15)
The Ultimate Catastrophe (1994) (2011/07/11)
"Where do I get the Hale-Bopp T-shirt?" (2012/10/27)
Work For an Artist in 1942 (03/Aug/09)
Why do I like this picture? (29/Aug/09)
Why study history? (29/Aug/09)

External Obits
Ansible #259, DataDump #132, Banana Wings #37, File770 #155, British Journal of Russian Philately (++ 2010/05/21)

Publications By, Designed By & About Harry Turner
Triad Optical Illusions and How To Design Them by Harry Turner (2010/02/01)
The Triad Optical Illusions Coloring Book by Harry Turner (2010/02/01)
The Second Triad Optical Illusions Coloring Book by Harry Turner [completed by Philip Turner] (2013/04/14)
Harry Turner : An Artist In India [assembled by Philip Turner] (2010/01/11)
The Observer's Guide to Harry Turner's Art [assembled by Philip Turner] (++2012/09/22)
Now & Then Revisited [facsimile edition of the legendary fanzines] (2013/11/08)
Rural India a lifetime ago 2015 calendar of Harry Turner's watercolours (2014/10/22)
Publications Designed by Harry Turner (++2010/11/02)
The ART of the Impossible parts 1 & 2 (published 2019)
Harry Turner: In His Own Words Parts 1 & 2 (compiled by Philip Turner, 2020)
Exercises in Superimposition [Designs by Harry Turner, compiled by Philip Turner] (2022/09/23)
Dynamic Optical Art [Companion to the above, available as a PDF file] (2023/02/10)

The recollections of Harry Turner and his wife, Marion (Eadie), are also featured in HomeFront, "Another massive fanhistorical compilation by Rob Hansen, this time focusing on British fandom during World War Two."

Books collected by Harry Turner 2

Books Collected by Harry Turner — Totals of Books Collected, 1987-97 (2010/04/16)

American Civilizations (2010/08/24)
Books on Dinosaurs (2010/04/05)

Books on Egyptology (2010/04/16)
Books by Joseph Heller (2012/09/26)
Books on Jazz (2010/04/06)

Books on Mathematics (2010/04/16)
Books by Paul Theroux (2012/09/26)

Books on Dada, Surrealism & Related Topics (++2012/03/11)

Books on Time/Time Travel (2012/09/22)

Books on The Arabian Nights and related topics (2012/09/26)

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