External Obits
Ansible #259, DataDump #132, Banana Wings #37, File770 #155, British Journal of Russian Philately (++ 2010/05/21)
Publications By, Designed By & About Harry Turner
Triad Optical Illusions and How To Design Them by Harry Turner (2010/02/01)
The Triad Optical Illusions Coloring Book by Harry Turner (2010/02/01)
The Second Triad Optical Illusions Coloring Book by Harry Turner [completed by Philip Turner] (2013/04/14)
Harry Turner : An Artist In India [assembled by Philip Turner] (2010/01/11)
The Observer's Guide to Harry Turner's Art [assembled by Philip Turner] (++2012/09/22)
Now & Then Revisited [facsimile edition of the legendary fanzines] (2013/11/08)
Rural India a lifetime ago 2015 calendar of Harry Turner's watercolours (2014/10/22)
Publications Designed by Harry Turner (++2010/11/02)
The ART of the Impossible parts 1 & 2 (published 2019)
Harry Turner: In His Own Words Parts 1 & 2 (compiled by Philip Turner, 2020)
Exercises in Superimposition [Designs by Harry Turner, compiled by Philip Turner] (2022/09/23)
Dynamic Optical Art [Companion to the above, available as a PDF file] (2023/02/10)
The recollections of Harry Turner and his wife, Marion (Eadie), are also featured in HomeFront, "Another massive fanhistorical compilation by Rob Hansen, this time focusing on British fandom during World War Two."
Books Collected by Harry Turner Totals of Books Collected, 1987-97 (2010/04/16)