| Books By, Designed By & About Harry Turner | -----------------------
Triad Optical Illusions and How To Design Them by Harry Turner
The Triad Optical Illusions Coloring Book by Harry Turner
The Second Triad Coloring Book by Harry Turner [completed by P.H.T.]
Harry Turner : An Artist In India [assembled by Philip Turner]
The Observer's Guide to Harry Turner's Art [assembled by Philip Turner]
Now & Then Revisited [facsimile edition of the legendary fanzines]
2015 calendar of HT's watercolours of rural India
Publications Designed by Harry Turner
Books Designs for the Hilltop Press
| Books Collected by Harry Turner | ----------------------------------------
American Civilizations
The Arabian Nights and related topics
Dada, Surrealism & Related Topics
Books on Dinosaurs
Books on Egyptology
Books by Joseph Heller
Books on Jazz
Books on Mathematics
Books by Paul Theroux
Books on Time/Time Travel
| Early Memories | --------------------------------------------------------------
The Beginnings . . .
One of our Streets is Missing
A Sunny Day in Brunswick Street
1929 - The Year of the Keybangers
School in the Sky
Peaceful Summertime
Bonny Night
Matriculation, 1936
Employment, the Beginnings...
The Herbert Birley Prize, 1937
Things To Come scenario
When I was 17 ...
Work For an Artist
| Fanzines | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Number 1, August 1954
Number 2, November 1954
RECYCLED Nos. 1-3, 1954/55
Number 3, 1955
Number 4, 1955
Number 5, September 1955
Number 6, November 1955
Number 7, June 1956
Number 8, January 1957
Number 9, mid 1957
Now & Then |
Number 1
Grin |
| Fanzine Artwork | -------------------------------------------------------------
Artwork for Other People's Fanzines #1
Artwork for Other People's Fanzines #2
Artwork for Other People's Fanzines #3
Artwork for Other People's Fanzines #4
Artwork & Design for Steve Sneyd's Hilltop Press
Artwork for Other People's Fanzines Zimri
| Fine Art & Graphics | --------------------------------------------------------
| Military Service in the RAF | -----------------------------------------------
RAF 1942 Padgate, Redcar, Brum
RAF 1943 Yatesbury [Work In Progress #1]
Illustrated Radar Mech
Hitching (December 1942)
Melville (January 1945)
Melville Explained (December 1993)
More Memories
One Way Out...
To & From India
1. No Pleasure Cruise
2. Bombay Blues
3. Bangalore: first impressions
4. Interlude: Bangalore Military Hospital
5. "Snooty Ooty"
6. Purandhar Fort
7. Mahableshwar Days
7. The Great Revolt
8. Pokhari Ghat Pastorale
9. Night Thoughts from Pokhari Ghat
10. Farewell Pokhari
11. Just one of those days... (The day my demob group came up...)
Work In Progress #1, RAF @ Brum then Yatesbury with Arthur Clarke
Work In Progress #2, Memories of India
Curried Cobra? No Thanks!
Echoes of India
India Pieces, Progress Report (December 1993)
| Obituary | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
A life of the Grand Old Man of British Science Fiction by Philip Turner
External Obits
Ansible #259, DataDump #132, Banana Wings #37, File770 #155, British Journal of Russian Philately
| Other Personal Reminiscences | --------------------------------------------
Call This Progress? (December 1993)
Customer Relations: A correspondence
Dinosaurs: Build or Buy? (1993)
The Eclipse Of The Century
The Fascination of Flexigation
From letters to Steve Sneyd, 1992
Gardening Notes
The Grand Anchor Darts Tournament
The Great Lottery Win
Gradualism (1996)
I am an Elderly Person
It's All In The Mind
It's An Upgrade? [re: Windows XP] (2004)
The Last Eclipse (1999)
Jottings: extracts from letters (1990s)
Living With the GUP
Manchester Modified (1993)
Manchester Reblitzed
Mathematics & the Imagination
My Favourite Poem
Neurosis or "Old Fans Never Die . . ." (1975)
Never the Old Soldier (1999)
The Other War (1994)
The Open-Ended Game
The Pursuit of Knowledge...
Pyramids In My Wardrobe
The Railway Crisis on 21/08/1975
(To & from) Redfern's of Hyde
The Romiley Blitz?
A Sceptical Pedant (1999/2000)
Septuagenarian Fans' Association; Bitz Part 1
Telephone Banking & Exercise (1997)
Theodore Major Remembered (1999)
To Manchester (1999)
TV Blues (& Greens!)
TV Wrestling (1999)
Typography for Computers (1998)
The Ultimate Catastrophe (March 1994)
"Where do I get the Hale-Bopp T-shirt?" (March 1997)
Why do I like this picture?
Why study history?
Coping with the Problem & the Cure
The Problems
The First Operation
First Progress Reports
The Other Eye
Lost Opportunities
From This Window . . .
Romiley Music Group
| Photographs | -----------------------------------------------------------------
H.E.T. : Family Pictures : Ancestors
H.E.T. : Pictures through the Ages (1921 - 2004)
Photographs from India Part #1
Photographs from India Part #2
Photographs from India Part #3
Photographs from India Part #4
Photographs from India Part #5
Rocketeers & Fans (1936 - 1990s)
| Prozine Artwork | -------------------------------------------------------------
Artwork for Science Fantasy and FANTASY Thrilling Science Fiction
Artwork for Tales of Wonder
Artwork for Nebula Science Fiction Page 1
Artwork for Nebula Science Fiction Page 2 |
| Romiley Jazz Archive | -------------------------------------------------------
1. Six Variations on a Monkish Theme
2. I Remember Joe
3. Out of the Past MSG remembered
4. Jazz Recordings: Numerical Listing
5. Jazz Notes
All The Big Names (came to Manchester)
| Space Travel & SF Fandom | ----------------------------------------------
1938, A Year To Remember
A Key Figure in Fandom (2004)
BIS Journal covers from 1930s
Christmas Nostalgia about Space Times (1997)
Chronological Notes - 1937-1940
Chronological Notes - 1941-1942
Chronological Notes - 1943-1955
Chronological Notes - 1960s-2000s
Computers: The Beginnings (1995)
Computers: The Next Step (2000)
Con Art (1977)
Early SF Poetry (1987)
Editor of "The Astronaut"
"The Astronaut", issue #2, June 1937, HTML facsimile
"The Astronaut", Vol. 2 No. 1, February 1938, scans of the original pages
"The Astronaut", issue #3, August 1937, HTML facsimile
"The Astronaut", Vol. 2 No. 2, August 1938, HTML facsimile
English Rocketry in 1936/37 (1977)
The legendary Erg Wars 1979 (2015)
Extra-Musical Memories #1: Mosolov's Iron Foundry: Music of Machines
Fanarcy, its Rise and Fall
Fandom: Looking Back vs Being There (1977)
Fannish Credentials
Some Fannish Accounting
A Fannish Miscellany
Female Fan Types (1953)
Footnotes to Fandom: The basic concept
Going to the Guardian
How I missed the 1943 Midvention (1998)
The Invention of Colour Printing? (1992)
Jottings: extracts from letters (1990s)
1930s/1940s "Rocket Mags"
Ron Lane Remembered
LoCs to Robert Lichman's Trapdoor
Looking A Long Way Back (1997)
The Magic of Fandom
Miscellaneous bits of SF-fan history
Eric Needham Remembered
John Roles Remembered
New Frontiers: some recollections (1994)
NOW & THEN : The Beginnings...
Official Letterheads
A Recipe For Sleep (2004)
Reactions to a Fantasy Commentator bumper issue (1990s)
Eric Frank Russell Remembered
Searching out the Beginnings (1997)
The legendary SuperMancon of 1891 (2015)
Time Bankruptcy (2000)
What the Papers Said (about early Rocketeers in 1936-38)
WIDOWER'S Wonderful Products in Words & Pictures (1980s)
WIDOWER'S verses in N&T & The Grin
What it's all about (1990s)
Dr. H. Percy Wilkins Remembered
"You should write to Alan Hunter!" (1998)
Zenith, a brief history, or "On Pubbing My First Ish..." (1999)
A Fannish Glossary of esoteric names, words & places
Part 1
Part 2
From The Archives
Part #1 comprising: Now & Then a little more light; Schnerdlites Part #1; Schnerdlites Part #2; Schnerdlites Part #3 [The Romiley Anomaly]; Schnerdlites Part #4; Schnerdlites Part #5
Part #2 A supplement to the recycled Now & Then comprising: 1. Progress(?) Report: April 2002; 2. London fans in the 1950s; 3. The "Cerebrocollabrogator"
Part #3 comprising Fort Alamo & explanatory comments
Midnight Shakes The Memory
Take One London Con 1938
Take Two The Flat 1938
Take Three Leeds 1938
Take Four SFA trip to Manchester, 1938
Take Five How to stop writing for fanzines